August 29, 2012

The Big K

Today, my little baby...the one I feel like I just yesterday gave birth to...starts kindergarten.

She is so excited. We met her teacher this week and discussed the business of the big K- which in kindergarten, consists of a lot of eating, snacking then getting home safe. These were my main concerns- what if she can't open her yogurt? will she starve? what if her water bottle top gets screwed on to tight & she can't open it!? WHO WILL HELP HER!?! Seriously, these thoughts were going through my mind.

I felt much better after chatting with her teaching duo. They assured me they'd help her with her lunch and make sure she got to me safely in the afternoon. They also promised that in a few weeks, she'd be able to walk herself into the classroom from the curb. I may or may not have looked at them in absolute horror. By herself?! Walk into the school...alone?! I know there will be other adult teachers and the principal will be standing right there by the big doors but...seriously?!? ALONE!? I felt like I needed to find a paper bag to breathe into.

While I was getting all the business explained to me, Little Miss explored the classroom. By the time I was finished, she was ready to spend the day. This also put my mind at ease. (Something else that puts my mind at ease? Her assistant teacher has known me since I was a wee-one...she babysat me. Love me a small town!!)

Little Miss can't wait to begin her real first day...and I'm excited to hear all about it! :-) Oh, and did I mention her BFF is in her class!? She is. We're super excited about that too!

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